Clearing the air one pedalstroke at a time.

Pedaling, writing toward a better Metro area for cyclists, pedestrians, people who breathe and, by extension, drivers. This is the chronicle of the the battles that we fight, the victories.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

How to Not Get Hit by Cars

This came across one of my lists today and it seems like good advice.

One tidbit:

Around 44,000 people die in car crashes in the U.S. each year.
About 1 in 54 is a bicyclist.


At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many are pedestrians?

At 8:41 PM, Blogger KCJeff said...

According to this, about 5000 per year. More information is available from the NHTSA.

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Xavier Onassis said...

I have an absolutely, 100%, foolproof way to avoid being hit by cars.

It's so simple, it borders on GENIUS!

Here it is. Are you ready?

Don't ride your bikes on roads that were built for and are used by cars! Stick to designated bicycle paths and you'll be as safe as a Republican in Texas!

Problem solved! Next!

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Xavier Onassis said...

1: You have to admit that my logic is impeccable.

2: Don't ever make the mistake of taking me seriously.

3: Go to my blog and read my rant (and the comments) on people who insist on riding in the road when there is a bike path not five feet away (

You'll get a good chuckle (I hope).

Peace! Ride safe!

At 8:15 AM, Blogger KCJeff said...

I usually tend to get Tourette's when dealing people like Xavier on the road. I am trying to be more tolerant. That's all.

At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have an absolutely, 100%, foolproof way to avoid hitting a bicyclist.

It's so simple, it borders on GENIUS!

Here it is. Are you ready?

Pay f***ing attention and if you need any other further information of the rules of the road, consult your state drivers manual.

Problem solved!

Its not all about you dude and how inconvienced you are out among the masses.



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